158.804 - 169.0013
Number Of Rooms: 69
Number Of Floors: 3
Check In Time: 3 p.m.
Check Out Time: 12 p.m.
Hotel Urbano
2500 Brickell Ave
Miami, FL 33129
Driving Directions:
From Miami International Airport:
Approximate distance to the hotel is eight miles.
Go west on 20th Street.
Turn right toward Airport Exit.
Take the SR 112 East ramp toward I 95 North.
Take the South LeJeune ramp toward SR 836 West.
Merge onto Northwest 42nd Avenue.
Merge onto FL 836 East toward I 95.
Merge onto I 95 South toward downtown.
Take the Southwest 25th Road Exit 1A toward Key Biscayne.
Turn left onto Southwest 25th Road.
Turn right onto Brickell Avenue.